What is Hypnosis? What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is therapeutic approach that uses hypnosis as a tool to bring health and healing within body, mind and spirit. Whether you are exploring an issue for the first time or you’re a seasoned therapy client, hypnotherapy is useful to help you go deeper into what you are working on. The hypnotherapy method I practice incorporates a variety of tools to illuminate the thought patterns that are leading to behaviors that are either serving or not serving you. With intention, courage and an open heart, we seek to understand these patterns, the purpose they serve, and bring healing where it’s needed most. This work allows for more lightness in body and mind, connection to your intuition and longer lasting changes.
Some people worry about hypnosis being a form of mind control. This idea comes from mainstream movies and stage shows. Hey - I’ve enjoyed watching those too! Though very entertaining, in actuality, no one can make you do something under hypnosis that you don’t want to do. Hypnosis is a focused state of concentration. You are in that state regularly in your everyday life. For example, when you get very focused on an activity or a project or a movie and you start to have tunnel vision and lose track of what’s going on around you. That is what happens with hypnosis.
How does Hypnotherapy work?
In hypnotherapy, we use hypnosis therapeutically. You are in a safe setting, fully aware the entire time, and we focus on your inner experience. Unlike hypnosis used in entertainment, in hypnotherapy it is important for you to be fully aware and participating in your own healing process. It often feels like you are meditating or just falling asleep and you are in control of the session. Hypnosis is used as a tool to help you relax so your defenses can soften. Defenses are the thoughts and behaviors deployed to protect protect protect the self (or others)! Often these patterns & beliefs of safety are inherited through families of origin and in childhood, and may no longer be serving you. In hypnotherapy, help to find new ways to be safe that don’t hinder your life from being what you want it to be. This way you can invite in more abundance, more ease, and more freedom to take action!
Hypnotherapy takes you beyond the analytical mind, to the feelings and sensations rooted in your body and your subconscious. The body holds memories and energies of experiences you’ve been through. The subconscious provides valuable information about your beliefs, perceptions, past experiences and decisions. Working with the body and the subconscious, you are able to access the beliefs and reactions patterns that are running your life. We work together to explore these patterns together and clear the ones that are no longer serving you and incorporate new patterns of belief that are aligned with the how you want to live your life.
What Can be Addressed with hypnotherapy?
Conscious conception - connect with baby spirit, align with intention to conceive, prepare womb and body to invite baby
Fertility challenges - exploring blocks to getting pregnant
Pregnancy: fears of birthing and/or parenting, disagreements & navigating boundaries with family, relationship challenges
Ambivalence or lack of connection with pregnancy & baby
Building up inner resources of support for transitions
Challenges using your voice to state your boundaries & needs
Exploring preparing to become a parent, transform old patterns from childhood that are not in alignment with current parenting values.
Physical pain or dis-ease
Hypnotherapy can address all kinds of challenges. Issues can be related to mental health - thoughts & beliefs, emotional health - feelings, physical health - symptoms in the body and spiritual health - connection with greater resources, energy field, repeating patterns, sense of purpose. These are all connected, so working on one effects the entire system. Here are some concerns that I have treated in my practice:
Healing from traumatic experiences
Processing miscarriage, abortion, grief, loss
Lack of self confidence, self worth
Anxiety, depression
Healing abuse (physical, mental, sexual)
Negative body image
Explore sexual: energy, intimacy, and identity
Preparing for postpartum and parenting
Feeling stuck, blocked, dissociated, not completing tasks, lack of motivation
Stress reduction, burn out
Negative self talk
Fears holding you back from taking action
Over concern with others’ well being and not enough on self
Lacking a grounded central focus within the self
Session Information
Sessions are virtual with limited in person visits available.
Sessions are 75 or 90 minutes long
New Clients: Start with a 4 Session Package: $600 for 75 minute sessions and $720 for 90 minute sessions OR Single session fee: $250 for 75 minutes and $280 for 90 minutes
Existing Clients: $150 for 75 minute sessions and $180 for 90 minute sessions